
We are committed to bringing about positive change in Sri Lanka. Our projects are the heart of our mission, and each one is carefully designed to address specific needs and make a real difference in the lives of individuals and communities. Explore our ongoing and completed projects below to see how we’re working towards a brighter future for Sri Lanka.

Latest Project

Eco Tourism in Puttalam Area

A 150 year old Colonial Bungalow situated inside a 25 acre Coconut Estate. Welcomes Tourists throughout the year and visitors get to experience the day to day life in a working Coconut Estate. This allows participation of the local people. The income derived from this operation will be used to enhance the life of the people of Sri Lanka. We have plans to build chalets around the estate and to increase the volume of visitors.

Eco Agriculture

Along with the Coconut trees, plans to grow various under crops organically and to educate the people in the area to promote organic crops with the help and support of specialist organisation who are already in existence to educate and enhance the growing of organic vegetables. Plans to allocate 3 blocks of 5 acres for this project

Mobile Medical Diagnostics

Throughout Sri Lanka plans are being made to visit and carry out diagnostic tests for diseases such as Malaria and Dingo, cancer and renal impairment and eye tests for cataracts, glaucoma and other conditions

Education Centres in Rural Areas

Providing equipment and training to students in rural areas to develop and improve their language and computer skills. Assisting with skills in areas such as fishing and plantation of crops up and down the country

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